2024-2025 Madison Simis Handbook
- Welcome Letter From Principal
- Simis Mission and Vision
- Important Names and Numbers
- Important Dates
- Attendance
- PATS, Visitors/Volunteers
- Daily Schedule
- General & Communication
- Health Office
- Food & Nutrition
- Item Drop Off & Lost and Found
- Non-School Items
- Homework, Missing Work, Grades
- Moving
- Open-Enrollment
- Behavior Expectations & Discipline
- Bullying/Harassment
- Madison Simis Family Commitment Form
- Simis School Wide Expectations(Parent/Guardian)
- Cafeteria Procedures
- School Safety
- Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
- Curriculum
Welcome Letter From Principal
Dear Simis Community,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We're excited to have our students return this Fall. Our goal is to provide a great education for each student, no matter where they are academically, socially, or emotionally. We truly value working together with Simis families to help all our students succeed.
This handbook has important information about school rules and what we expect from students and parents. It follows the Madison District Student and Parent Handbook, which you can find at madisonaz.org. Madison Simis is an International Baccalaureate World School. This means we believe in giving students a challenging, high-quality education with a global perspective. We use teaching methods that encourage students to ask questions, engage with their learning, and take action based on what they learn. We're glad you're here! Please take some time to read through this handbook with your child. Your support means a lot to us as we start this new school year.
In partnership,
Lindsay Murray,
Simis Mission and Vision
Madison Simis School Mission Statement
The Madison Simis School Community empowers students to create a better, more peaceful world. Our students are internationally minded; developing into inquiring, knowledgeable, and respectful life-long learners.
Simis Elementary is a learning community that believes in the importance of...
- A rigorous and global-minded curriculum
- A philosophy of responsibility and active involvement in learning
- A compassionate, creative, and supportive atmosphere
- An opportunity for learners to take action
Madison School District Vision Statement
Inspiring Passion for Learning and Leading in an Ever-Changing World
Important Names and Numbers
- Madison Simis
- 7302 N. 10th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85020
- 602-664-7300 phone
- 602-664-7320 attendance line
- Principal – Lindsay Murray lmurray@madisoned.org
- Assistant Principal – Ashley Bohlman abohlman@madisoned.org
- Dean of Student Discipline – Ciara Karsten ckarsten@madisoned.org
- Secretary to Principal – Stella Caniglia scaniglia@madisoned.org
- School Registrar – Stacey Wilson swilson@madisoned.org
- Attendance – Laurel Moran 602-664-7320 lmoran@madisoned.org
- Cafeteria – Nohemi Olivares 602-664-7397 nolivares@madisoned.org
- Health Office – Megan Befort 602-664-7322 mbefort@madisoned.org
- IB Coordinator – Melissa Powers 602-664-7315 mpowers@madisoned.org
- School Psychologist – Arianna Kaphingst 602-664-7329 akaphinsgt@madisoned.org
- Grades K-2 Social Worker – Kalah Masterson kmasterson@madisoned.org
- Grades 3-4 Social Worker – Roxanne Little rlittle@madisoned.org
- MAC and Preschool –Sandra Warren 602-664-7370 swarren@madisoned.org
Important Dates
- First Day of School: August 6, 2024
- Last Day of School: May 21, 2025
NO SCHOOL - School Holidays
- Labor Day September 2, 2024
- Fall Break October 7-11, 2024
- Veteran’s Day November 11, 2024
- Thanksgiving Break November 27-29 2024
- Winter Recess December 20, 2024- January 3 2025
- Martin Luther King January 20 2025
- President’s Day February 17, 2025
- Spring Recess March 10-14, 2025
- Spring Holiday April 18 2025
NO SCHOOL - Teacher Planning Days
- October 4, 2024
- December 20, 2024
- March 7, 2025
11:00 a.m. Student Half Release Days
- Parent/Teacher Conferences October 24-25, 2024
- Parent/Teacher Conferences January 30-31 2025
- Last Day of School May 21, 2020
Parent Teacher Conference Dates:
- October 23-25; Half Day Schedule: October 24 & 25- Half-day schedule for students; Evening Conferences 25 & 26 with afternoon conferences on October 27th
- January 29-31; Half Day Schedule February 1-2; Evening Conferences: Jan.31-Feb.1; with afternoon conferences February 2nd
- AASA State Testing Dates (for 3rd and 4th graders)- April 3- April 21, 2025. A more detailed schedule will be provided in March.
Arizona State Law charges the parent or guardian with responsibility for the student’s consistent school attendance. Attending school each day, being on time, and remaining for the entire day is very important for the total commitment to learning. Absences, tardiness, and early checkout disrupt the learning process. Students are expected to attend regularly (minimum of 90% of the school days) and be prompt arriving at school. Parents are encouraged to make doctor, dentist, and other
appointments at times that will not interfere with school.
Court Unified Truancy Suppression Program (CUTS)
School attendance is not only a good habit; state law requires it. Arizona State Law (15-802.E, 15-803) requires every person who has custody of a child between the ages of six and sixteen years shall make sure the child attends school for the full time school is in session unless unable to attend due to illness or another legitimate reason.
To encourage and improve school attendance, Madison School District has implemented a truancy program in partnership with Maricopa County Juvenile Court. This truancy program is called C.U.T.S. (Court Unified Truancy Suppression). We will be tracking attendance very closely. Your child is expected to be at school every day, unless there is an excused reason not to be. An absence is defined as a minimum of one missed class period per day. An unexcused absence will count as a truant day as defined by the law. A student is “habitually truant” if he/she has five or more unexcused absences from school. A student that is absent more than ten percent (18 days) of the required number of school days per year is considered to have “excessive absences” whether the absence is excused or unexcused.
When a student has five or more unexcused absences or 19 excessive absences (excused OR unexcused), the student can be cited to the CUTS Program through the Juvenile Court. The hearing will be at the Juvenile Court Center. A parent or legal guardian must be present with the student at the time of the hearing. Consequences at the hearing may include the following: required attendance of the parent and the child at an education class (to be held on Saturdays), work hours assigned to the child, counseling, etc. The parent will be assessed a $50 Diversion fee. Failure to complete these consequences may result in suspension of your child’s driver’s license, or inability to get a driver’s license until their 18th birthday and/or formal court proceedings. It is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to ensure their child’s attendance in an approved academic setting. If you fail to take the necessary steps to provide your child with appropriate education, you may receive a citation. If convicted, it is a Class 3 misdemeanor punishable by jail time and/or fine.
The education of your child is extremely important to us. This program is another way that Madison School District is working with the community to ensure a quality education for all students. Please note that the school also reserves the right to have a CUTS Officer speak at Orientations and Assemblies, as well as to individual groups of students regarding the importance of school. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s school.
Procedures for Absences
It is the obligation of the parent of an absent student to contact the school attendance office prior to or on the actual day of the absence. Parents are expected to call no later than 1 hour after the start of school. It is helpful to call the attendance line to report your child’s absence. For your convenience, voicemail is available 24 hours a day to inform the school of an absence. If no contact is made to the school within 24 hours, the absence will be considered unexcused. At the time of call in, all parents are expected to verify the reasons for and the date(s) of absence. When a parent wishes to have a student excused before the close of the school day, the attendance office must be informed prior to the student’s departure, and an administrator or designee must provide permission. School administration will be notified of excessive tardies and/or absences.
Consequences for attendance violations:
- 5 Absences = Warning letter may be issued
- 10 Absences = Meeting with parent may occur (for Grades K-2 and 3-4, Face-to-Face meeting
- 15 Absences = Meeting with a truancy officer, parent, student, and school administrator may occur
- 19+ Absences = Truancy Citation may be issued and/or Open Enrollment Revocation Hearing may occur
PATS, Visitors/Volunteers
P.A.T.S. (Parents and Teachers at Simis)
Simis Elementary School is very fortunate to have such an active parent-teacher organization. P.A.T.S. sponsors many events to enhance the education process, provides enriching activities for students, and raises the funds to cover the cost of these. Parents are encouraged to join and participate. Our P.A.T.S. president and president-elect for this year Rachel Salkin and Hilary Falgiano. Visit their website at https://www.simispats.org/.
Simis Site Based Management Team
The Simis Site Based Management Team is the decision-making committee which is responsible for the development, implementation and supervision of program decisions for the school. Members include teachers, a classified staff member, parents, assistant principal and principal. This committee meets monthly. Decisions are made by consensus. Meeting updates are reported in the Scoop.
Volunteers and Visitors
We welcome volunteers on campus that have scheduled their time on campus with a teacher or administrator and are registered to be a volunteer on campus. Volunteers are expected to check in with the front office, obtain a visitor badge, and follow all the school rules, including refraining from photographing and posting of other children as well as remaining in the designated volunteer area. Volunteers may register with the district on the district website. To attend a field trip, adults must be registered as volunteers. Siblings are not allowed to join adults who are volunteering. Visit our Volunteer page to register.
Visitors are welcome on campus for breakfast, lunch and for special events hosted by the school. Visitors during school hours must be verified by the front office and receive a visitor badge. Visitors are required to schedule a visit in advance and must have prior approval by the principal for the school activity. Adults on campus need to use adult bathrooms. Balloons and other celebratory items are not permitted at special events. More specific guidelines for lunch visitors are located below.
Before School
Visitors wishing to come on campus prior to the start of the school day may sign in at the front office to accompany their child to the playground from 7:20 am until the first bell rings. Visitors are restricted to the playgrounds and may not enter the buildings. Visitors must realize that staff will be supervising students during recess and will be unable to converse at any length with visitors. Visitors are expected to leave campus through the office promptly when the first bell rings. They may not follow students into classroom buildings.
Breakfast and Lunch Visits
Breakfast and lunch visitors must be on the student’s approved check out list as submitted by the custodial parent or legal guardian. All visitors must sign in at the school office and get a visitor badge before going to the cafeteria. Office personnel will facilitate the process for visitor registration. Visitors will be required to provide a valid government-issued ID/correspondence that will be entered into the Raptor Visitor Management System. Visitors will be issued a temporary ID badge that is to be worn while at the school. For lunch visits, the custodial parent or legal guardian must notify the school office by 9:00 AM on the day they, or any visitor on the student's check out list, is planning to attend lunch. Lunch Notification Forms should be submitted no more than one week in advance. Click on the link to complete the form.
Breakfast and lunch visits are limited to two visitors per child. No siblings are permitted during ANY breakfast or lunch visits.
The school principal or their designee, at their discretion, will have the authority to cancel breakfast and lunch visits based on any issues they feel could impact their ability to provide a proper environment.
School rules to guide breakfast and lunch visitors will be followed. These will include designated wait areas, instructions for meeting your student, no photographs or social media postings of other children, only the student of the visitor at the table, all outside food must be in containers that do not reference an outside food establishment, etc. There are a limited number of dates throughout the school year when visitors are not allowed. Please plan your visits on days other than those listed below:
- Early Release Days (such as TCT Wednesdays)
- Half Days
- October 23-25 (Parent Conference Days)
- January 29-31 (Parent Conference Days)
- Spring AASA Testing Week April 7th (specific dates TBD)
Field Trips
No student will be allowed to take a field trip without written permission from a parent or guardian. Activity Fees must be paid for students to attend the field trip. Scholarships are available through application in the front office. Students will not be allowed to participate in field trip experiences if behavior difficulties on campus indicate that participation is not advisable for a safe experience. If this is necessary, parents will be consulted. If you are interested in helping as a parent volunteer on a field trip, please fill out the Volunteer Application online found on our district website and let your child’s teacher know in advance. Also, parents please remember,smoking is not permitted on campus or during a school sponsored activity, including field trips.
Daily Schedule
- Drop off times are the following:
- 1st- 4th grade: 7:20 am in the front parking lot
- Kindergarten: 7:20 am in the back parking lot
Pick up times are the following:
- Regular schedule time: 2:25 in the back parking lot
- TCT Wednesday schedule time 12:55 in the back parking lot
1st Grade:
- Regular schedule time: 2:30 in the front parking lot
- TCT Wednesday schedule time: 1:00 in the front parking lot
Siblings will follow the younger student’s drop off/pickup time and location.
Half Day Kindergarten Hours:
- Regular Day: Drop off 7:20 in the back parking lot. Pickup 10:35am in the front parking lot.
- T.C.T. Wednesday: Drop off 7:20 in the back parking lot. Pickup 10:00am in the front parking lot.
- Half day Dismissal: Drop off 7:20 in the back parking lot. Pickup 9:10am in the front parking lot.
Lunch/Recess Times Per Grade Level:
- Regular Day: 10:40-11:00-11:20
- TCT Day: 10:10-10:30-10:50
- Regular Day: 11:05-11:25-11:45
- TCT Day: 10:35-10:55-11:15
- Regular Day: 11:25-11:45-12:05
- TCT Day: 11:00-11:20-11:40
- Regular Day: 11:55-12:15-12:35
- TCT Day: 11:25-11:45-12:05
- Regular Day: 12:20-12:40-1:00
- TCT Day: 11:50-12:10-12:30
- Regular Day: 11:35 and 12:00
- TCT Day: 11:35 and 12:00
Early Pickups
To maximize the time students are in school, families should try to arrange for appointments outside of the school day. Should a student need to leave early, they must be checked out of the front office by an adult listed on the PowerSchool Contacts page. Families with custodial agreements must ensure that the school has up to date legal documentation regarding pickup arrangements on file. To prevent disruptions to the classroom, early pick-up will end at 2:15.
General & Communication
Positive communication and cooperation between parents and school are essential to the success of our children.
Reporting student progress is an ongoing process through written and oral communication. Consistent effort will be made to keep parents informed of the achievement of their children in school. Teachers will provide objective feedback to parents regarding student progress.
If parents have concerns about school, the teacher should be the first point of contact. Parents are asked to approach communication about concerns seeking to understand and gain clarity.
Birthdays and Events
Students are not permitted to distribute private party invitations at school. Parents are to mail invitations or use evites for these types of events. The PATS Directory can support parents in sending invitations and connecting with other parents.
Cell Phones and Smart Watches
Classrooms will not be interrupted for parent messages unless an URGENT situation arises. Smartwatches and cell phones can be a useful safety tool for families, but they can also be a distraction to students.
- Students are not permitted to text or call from their phones or watches during the school day. Students may call home from the classroom phone with permission from the teacher.
- If students are ill, they should be assessed by the nurse instead of students using watches to call parents to be picked up.
- Parents should not text or call their students during the day. This becomes a distraction for the student and others in class.
Students may be asked to put their smartwatches or phones in their backpacks or in the office for the school day if they continue to be a distraction in class.
- 1st offense - Classroom warning to put device away. Parent contacted.
- 2nd - 4th offense - Turn device into office. Students may pick up devices at the end of the school day. Parent contacted.
- 5th offense - Parent contacted and parent must pick up device from the office.
- 6th offense - Students lose privilege to have devices with them at school (must remain home or be turned into office daily). Parent contacted.
Email and Web Pages
Most teachers communicate through email. Teacher emails are found here:
- Simis office: simisoffice@madisoned.org
- District website: http://www.madisonaz.org
- Simis website
- PATS (Parents and Teachers at Simis) website: www.simispats.org
Messages/Calls to Classrooms
Classrooms will not be interrupted for parent messages unless an URGENT situation arises. PLEASE be sure your child knows where he/she is going after school (bus, MAC, parent pick-up, etc.) before leaving home in the morning. A change in the normal schedule will require an email from the parent to the teacher. If the teacher does not respond to the email, please contact the front office to ensure the teacher knows where the student should go after school. In an effort to cut down on the potential for interruptions to the school day, calls from an outside line made to any classrooms during regular school hours will now automatically be forwarded to that classroom phone’s voicemail. If you need to reach someone immediately, please call the office: (602) 664-7300.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Conferences will occur virtually or in person for the 2024-2025 school year depending on the teacher and parent schedules. Teachers will hold one conference per family. Virtual conferences are an option for families with more than one household who do not wish to share a common space for a teacher meeting.
- October 23, 2024: Evening Conferences
- October 24, 2024: Afternoon and evening conferences (Half day schedule for students)
- October 25, 2024: Afternoon only conferences (Half day schedule for students)
- January 29, 2025: Evening Conferences
- January 30, 2025: Afternoon and evening conferences (Half day schedule for students)
- January 31 ,2025: Afternoon only conferences (Half day schedule for students)
Report Cards
Parents of 1st-4th grade students have access to an electronic report of their child’s academic progress on a quarterly basis through PowerSchool. Kindergarten will share report cards with parents at conferences.
2024-2025 End of Grading Periods:
- October 3
- December 19
- March 6
- May 21
2024-2025 Report Card Dates:
- October 20
- January 12
- March 22
- May 22
Simis Scoop
This is our school-wide parent newsletter that is emailed to all families almost every other Friday and is also posted on the Simis website. The Scoop contains general school information and announcements of special events and meetings.
Moving or transferring
If you are moving or transferring to another school, please notify your teacher and front office one week in advance. Library books, classroom supplies, and cafeteria charges must be cleared before leaving.
Health Office
Health Office
Any student with a temperature of 100 degrees or more may not attend school. If a student is sent home from school with a fever, diarrhea, or vomiting, he/she may not return to school for at least 24 hours. DO NOT send your child to school if your child:
- Complains of a severe headache
- Has a fever, diarrhea or vomiting in the last 24 hours
- Has yellow or green nasal discharge
- Has red or inflamed eyes, or pink-eye
- Has any skin rash unless it has been diagnosed by a physician as noninfectious in writing
Students with chronic health conditions, specifically severe allergies, asthma, diabetes, or epilepsy/seizures, must have a current action plan on file in the health office, as well as updated medication consents. Medications dropped off in the health office must have a pharmacy label attached, or be in a box/container with the pharmacy label attached. Over the counter medications must be in original packaging with legible directions for use. Action plans and consent forms for both prescription and over the counter medications must be completed every school year, regardless of whether they’ve been completed before.
Medications must be dropped off in the health office by a parent/guardian. They cannot be brought to school by students, or be transported to school in student backpacks/belongings. Students at least 8 years of age may self-carry certain medications. A self carry medication consent form must be on file in the health office. Please contact the health office if you would like more information.
The health office is unable to administer expired medications at school. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to note expiration dates of medication dropped off at school and replace with new medication as needed. All medications must be picked up by a parent/guardian in the health office by the last day of school at 2:45 PM. Medications that are not picked up will be disposed of.
Hearing & vision screenings will take place between August and September 2024. The following groups of students will
automatically be screened:
- Kindergarten, 1st and 3rd grades
- All students receiving special education services
- Any student who did not pass a hearing or vision rescreening the prior year
- Any student who is repeating a grade
- Any student for whom a screening has been requested by parent, teacher, school administrator, therapist, or physician
Parents may opt out of hearing/vision screenings in writing. Requests must be submitted by August 16th 2024.
Food & Nutrition
Food and Nutrition
- Soda and energy drinks are not permitted to be brought by students to school. Drink containers must be able to be sealed (exp: no open cups, cups with straws, or coffee mugs). We recommend sending students with a nutritious snack. Snacks should be able to be consumed within the “snack recess” time-frame. Please do not send students with full sized bags of chips. Students may not share food with peers.
Payments/Meal Balances
Our school cafeteria offers nutritious breakfasts and lunches every day. Students may purchase school meals daily or on an as needed basis.
- Payments to your child’s account can be made at: https://family.titank12.com. Click on “enroll now” and create an account for yourself and your child(ren). You’ll need to enter your child’s school, grade, birth date, student ID number, and your credit or debit account information.
- The cashier is available in the mornings before schools begin to receive payments for meals by cash/check. Parents/Guardians may come in person to make payments OR send payments in with their students.
Applications for free or reduced priced meals are available in the school office, the cafeteria OR you can also complete one online at: www.linqconnect.com
Simis cafeteria offers birthday treats for students. Here are some things all parents need to do and be aware of if they want to purchase a Birthday in a Box
- We require 7 days notice. In some cases, we might be able to do a Birthday Box with less notice. We might not be able to provide the treat you requested and might not be able to do the birthday on the requested day if there is a birthday already scheduled in your students classroom. One birthday per classroom per day.
- If you miss the Birthday Box opportunity, you can send in individually wrapped item to be sent home in students’ backpacks at the end of the day.
- Orders placed will not be filled for at least 48 hours
- Fill out the form completely. Please include contact name, phone number and if possible , your email address
- Ask the front office how many students are in your student’s classroom
- If you are using your student’s LINQ account, make sure there is money in the account. If there is no money or not enough, we will not process the order until we receive the full payment amount
- The cafeteria accepts cash, check or LINQ account for payment. We do not accept debit or credit cards.
- Prices have changed. Please use the form on the Madison website, on the Food & Nutrition Services page.
Outside Food Policy
Per Maricopa County food regulations, all food brought onto campuses for classroom parties must originate from certified kitchens, commercial institutions or commercial food service stores. All food needs to be individually wrapped.
Item Drop Off & Lost and Found
Item Drop Off
To minimize distractions to instruction, the classroom will not be contacted regarding items dropped off during the school day. Parents wishing to deliver items to school left by a student can drop them off in the front office. There will be a shelf to leave the item. The parent will then email the teacher that an item for their student is in the front office. Teachers will make every effort to allow the student to collect the item. As teachers are leading instruction during the day, they may not receive the email. In this case, the item will remain in the front office for pickup after school. Parents are not to message students directly on phones or smartwatches when items are delivered. If a student has forgotten their lunch or water, the school will always make sure the student receives a school lunch and has access to one of the many water fountains around campus. Parents delivering food for students are asked to bring in food in lunchboxes or plain paper bags. We will always make sure students are able to eat lunch at school, but will not deliver outside food that is not in a lunchbox or plain bag to students.
In order to limit distractions in the classroom do not send goodie bags, flowers, balloons, etc. to school for your child. They will not be delivered to the classroom.
Lost & Found
The lost and found is located outside the music room for students to come and find belongings. Please write your child’s name and room number on the inside of their clothing or lunch boxes, and on backpacks and sports equipment. Lost and Found items are donated to a local shelter at the end of each month.
Non-School Items
Unless there is a loop celebration, or school event explicitly designating a need for a non-school item (exp: balloon, stuffy, sports equipment, or toy), these items can be a distraction and should not be brought to school. Items should only be taken from the backpack when the time is designated by the staff member. Hats must be removed indoors unless they are for a loop celebration. If students have non-school items on their backpack, please make sure they are not a distraction during instruction. Items that are a distraction may be moved inside the backpack (exp: Air Tags, Pop Its). Belt bags, purses, and other bags other than backpacks need to stay in the classroom during the day.
Homework, Missing Work, Grades
Homework may be assigned as practice for students. Homework should be a review of skills already taught in class. It will be checked by the teacher but should not be graded by the teacher. If parents would like additional homework to be sent for students, please contact the classroom teacher. If students miss classwork or assessments that are graded, teachers will work with the parent to communicate what specific assignments need to be completed to assess student understanding of concepts taught in class. Grades will be assigned quarterly. In kindergarten, a list of skills students need to master will be shared along with student progress towards mastery of each skill. In grades 1-4, teachers will use PowerSchool to document student grades. A report card for students in grades 1-4 will be available in PowerSchool following the conclusion of each quarter.
If you are moving, please notify your teacher and the office at least one week in advance. This will help make your transfer an easier one. Library books, texts and cafeteria charges must be cleared before leaving. If during the year you move out of the Madison District but wish your child to remain at Simis, it is the parent’s responsibility to complete an open enrollment application for the student. Failure to complete that may result in loss of placement at Simis for the following year.
If during the year you move out of the Madison District but wish your child to remain at Simis, it is the parent’s responsibility to complete an open enrollment application for the student. Open-enrollment is conditional upon attendance and behavior. Please ensure that students are at school consistently, and that school expectations are followed. If your student is receiving special education services, it is the parent’s responsibility to complete an open enrollment application for the student each year. That application will be reviewed by the District Director of Student Services to ensure that there are adequate resources available for all students.
Behavior Expectations & Discipline
Behavior Expectations
The conduct and behavior of students at Madison Simis is managed in a PBIS style. As such, expectations are developed and written in a positive manner. Students are directly taught these expectations for various locations on campus including the classrooms, cafeteria, playground, and hallways. Consequences for violating the rules and expectations are known by the students prior to any offense in which they may be part of. Furthermore, appropriate behavior is acknowledged and reinforced. A PBIS committee meets regularly to discuss student conduct, areas of concern, positives to recognize, and discipline data. When students do not follow school expectations, they are redirected and retaught the expectation. If the behavior continues, the student will receive an opportunity to reflect and complete a “Think Time” or a “Blueprint”. If the behavior persists, the student will receive a Minor Incident Report (pg. 19). Serious offenses will receive an office referral (pg. 20) and discipline following the Madison Discipline Matrix.
Student Discipline
Good conduct in the schools is of primary importance to both school staff members and to parents/guardians. Orderly conduct of students is necessary in every school situation so as to ensure the safety and health of all and to maximize learning. Effective discipline is necessary for quality education. Our Dean of Students and Assistant Principal will work together to support student behavior and provide appropriate responses to behavior that does not align to school expectations. A digital copy of the student handbook is available on the Madison School District Website.
The Governing Board of the Madison School District believes it is the right of every student to be educated in a positive, safe, caring, and respectful learning environment. The Governing Board further believes a school environment that is inclusive of these traits maximizes student achievement, fosters student personal growth, and helps a student build a sense of community that promotes positive participation as citizens in society.
To assist in achieving a school environment based on the beliefs of the Governing Board, bullying, harassment, or intimidation in any form will not be tolerated.
Bullying is any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of youths, who are not siblings or current dating partners, that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance, and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated;
Bullying inflicts harm or distress on the targeted youth including physical, psychological, social, or educational harm. (CDC)
Types of Bullying (Arizona Department of Education):
- Verbal Bullying: saying or writing things that could be mean or hurtful. Things like: name-calling, threats, taunting, teasing, and inappropriate sexual comments.
- Social Bullying: Involves hurting someone's reputation or relationships. Making someone feel like they don’t belong to a group. Some examples: leaving someone out on purpose, spreading rumors, embarrassing someone in public, or preventing someone from being friends with someone else.
- Physical Bullying: Involves hurting a person’s body or things that belong to them. Physical bullying includes: hitting, kicking, punching, spitting, pinching, pushing, damaging someone’s belongings, or making rude gestures.
- Cyberbullying: Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behavior.
- Harassment: Harass means conduct that is directed at a specific person and that would cause a reasonable person to be seriously alarmed, annoyed, humiliated or mentally distressed and the conduct in fact seriously alarms, annoys, humiliates or mentally distresses the person (A.R.S 13-2921). Harassment may be related, but not limited to, race, religious orientation, sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity, cultural background, economic status, size, or personal appearance. Harassing behaviors can be direct or indirect and by use of social media.
- Intimidation: A person commits intimidation if the person intimidates by word or conduct:
- To cause physical injury to another person or serious damage to the property of another; or
- To cause, or in reckless disregard to causing, serious public inconvenience including, but not limited to, evacuation of a building, place of assembly or transportation facility, or
- To cause physical injury to another person or damage to the property of another in order to promote, further or assist in the interests of or to cause, induce or solicit another person to participate in a criminal street gang, a criminal syndicate or a racketeering enterprise.
Students are prohibited from bullying, harassment, or intimidation on school grounds, school property, school buses, at school bus stops, at school-sponsored events and activities, and through the use of electronic technology or electronic communication equipment on school computers, networks, forums, or mailing lists.
Students who believe they are experiencing being bullied, harassed, or intimidated or suspect another student is bullied, harassed, or intimidated should report their concern to any staff member of the School District. School personnel are to maintain appropriate confidentiality of the reported information.
Reprisal by any student directed toward a student or employee related to the reporting of a case or a suspected case of bullying, harassment, or intimidation shall not be tolerated, and the individual(s) will be subject to the disciplines set out in applicable District policies and administrative regulations.
Students found to be bullying, harassing, or intimidating others will be disciplined. Knowingly submitting a false report under Policy JICK or this exhibit shall subject the student to discipline up to and including suspension or expulsion. Where disciplinary action is necessary pursuant to any part of Policy JICK or this exhibit, relevant District policies shall be followed.
Law enforcement authorities shall be notified any time District officials have a reasonable belief that an incidence of bullying, harassment, or intimidation is a violation of the law.
Madison Simis Family Commitment Form
This compact represents our shared commitment to the quality educational opportunities of Madison Simis Elementary School. The educational experience we expect and demand from Simis can only become reality when parents, families, students, teachers and staff work together towards our common goal of excellence. Each vital element of student and school success requires a commitment from all those involved.
As TEACHERS AND STAFF, we will do the following to encourage and support Madison Simis students and families:
- Follow the school and District handbook.
- Provide a friendly, safe and caring environment for learning
- Aspire to motivate all students to reach high academic standards
- Provide meaningful assignments to explain, reinforce and extend learning
- Communicate effectively regarding student achievement and social interactions
- Participate in professional development to continue our growth as a teacher
- Provide assistance to parents so they can help their children learn
- Respond promptly to correspondence or initiate appropriate communication should a concern arise.
- Assume positive intent in communication. Seek to understand when interacting with staff, students, and parents..
- Respect Madison Simis school, students, staff and families
As PARENTS/FAMILY, we will do the following to support our Madison Simis students and the faculty and staff at Madison Simis:
- Read the school handbook. Read the District handbook.
- Regularly monitor my child’s progress: academically and socially.
- Respond promptly to school correspondence or initiate appropriate communication should a concern arise.
- Provide a quiet time, place and resources for homework and reading time
- Support school rules and decisions
- Interact respectfully with Madison Simis faculty, staff, students and other Simis families
- Assume positive intent in communication. Seek to understand when interacting with school staff.
- Participate in school activities
- Ensure that my child attends school every day, gets adequate sleep and proper nutrition and comes to school prepared to meet scholarly expectations
- Abide by the Madison Simis bus riding, parking lot and neighborhood parking guidelines, as well as attendance, tardiness and school absence (leaving early, leaving during the day) policies
As a STUDENT, I will become an active partner in my own learning progress by doing the following:
- Come to school every day ready to learn and do my best
- Bring necessary materials, completed assignments and homework
- Know and follow school and class rules, including those pertaining to personal conduct and safety
- Communicate regularly with my parents, teachers and/or Madison Simis staff so they can help me if I need help
- Take pride in my achievements
- Respect the school, fellow students, Madison Simis faculty, staff and families
- Behave as a role model for younger students
- Do my part to help create a better, more peaceful world
Simis School Wide Expectations(Parent/Guardian)
Expectations for Simis Students:
School discipline is a team effort. It requires the cooperation of students, parents, administrators, teachers, school staff, and the community. In all school settings, whether it is the classroom, playground, cafeteria, or bus, our goal is to develop a healthy, safe, and optimal learning environment. We have developed specific school wide expectations and an acknowledgement system which help promote positive student behavior.
We have 3 Simis School Wide Expectations:
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be Safe
Cafeteria Procedures
- Enter the cafeteria quietly.
- Students bringing lunch – walk to your table.
- Students buying lunch – stand in line quietly by menu choice and class, keeping hands and feet to self.
- Quiet voices in the serving zone.
- Give your attention to the cafeteria personnel.
- Walk to your table.
- Remain seated facing forward.
- Use a soft voice and talk only to those across and next to you.
- For assistance, raise your hand using appropriate hand signals, then wait.
- Eat your food only, no sharing.
- Use good table manners.
- Pick up any food or trash you drop on the floor.
- When finished, collect trash and recycling, raise hand, and wait for adult permission to leave the table.
- Place unopened items in designated areas.
- Put all trash and recycling in appropriate bins.
- Table captains will clean tables and remain until clean tables are acknowledged by the supervisor.
- Wait quietly in the designated area.
- Walk single file out of the cafeteria.
School Safety
To ensure student and staff safety Madison performs numerous emergency response drills throughout the school year. Madison’s Emergency Response Plan is comprised of information provided by the Department of Homeland Security and the Arizona Department of Education. Our staff is regularly trained on how to handle campus emergencies through best-practice courses offered by the Arizona Division of Emergency Management and FEMA.
- Fire Drills: All Madison schools perform monthly fire drills.
- Bus Evacuation Drills: All students practice bus evacuation procedures once a semester.
- Lockout/Lockdown Drills: All Madison schools hold at least three lockout or lockdown drills each year. Families will be informed in advance of the drill. The specific time and date of the drill will not be shared.
During a Lockout drill, all staff and students outside are ushered into the closest building. All of the perimeter doors to the school buildings are locked until all individuals are accounted for and the administration deems the drill complete. Students will continue with their daily schedules in the classroom, but the front office will not be answering any incoming phone calls so we may account for everyone.
During a lockdown drill, all doors within the school building will be locked and will remain locked until the drill is complete. To enable everyone to remain safe, no one will be allowed to enter the building or leave the building until all students and staff are accounted for and the administration deems the drill complete
For your own safety, as well as that of the children inside, we ask that parents refrain from congregating outside the campus during a school-wide emergency. Details and/or instructions will be sent to parents via our all-call phone and email system. Please be advised that staff is not permitted to answer phones during drills/emergencies in order to keep lines open for critical communication.
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
Parent Drop Off and Pick Up
To better ensure our students safety during arrival and dismissal times, we have instituted specific procedures for pick up and drop off. With everyone’s patience and cooperation, the children will not be leaving and/or boarding cars from the street or out in the parking lot.
A few reminders:
- Do not pull into the school bus lane or park in the MAC/Preschool pick up and drop off area.
- All students MUST be picked up at their designated grade level area. (Older siblings may sit with younger siblings).
- No parking 30 feet next to or across from the school entrance.
- Do not drop off children before 7:20 a.m.
- A.M. DROP OFF Only: No switching lanes past the crosswalk
- Pick up and drop off at the designated times (see page 8)
- Parents wishing to walk students to school may drop off and pick up outside of the bus gates.
- No parking at Orangewood Church. No parent or staff parking will be available at the church.
- Inform teachers of the pickup location for each day.
- Older siblings will join kindergarteners for pick up in the north parking lot.
- Have a sign on your dashboard with your student name and teacher written in large, bold print.
- Drivers are expected to follow the directions of the staff on duty in the parking lot.
- Open enrollment students are expected to use bus transportation to North Phx Baptist Church for parent pick up.
GRADES 1-4 MORNING PROCEDURE: (No Parking Curbside 7:20 – 7:50 a.m.)
*Do not abuse carpool and handicapped parking.
- Proceed into the area in a double lane fashion following the flow of traffic. Students exit to a curb only.
- Pull up behind the car in front of you.
- Do not park or leave your car unattended.
- Students will leave the vehicles at curbside. (10 second disembark/loading.)
- Students exit the car unassisted by parent (park and walk students on campus if you need to help the student exit the car). Vehicles will merge into a single lane of traffic to exit. Please adhere to the turn lanes provided.
Grade 1-4 Drop off:
GRADES 1-4 AFTERNOON PROCEDURE: (No Parking Curbside 2:00 – 2:45 p.m.)
*Do not abuse carpool and handicapped parking.
- Proceed into the designated grade level area in a single line fashion following the flow of traffic.
- Pull up behind the car in front of you. Do not leave a large space. Do not exit the car.
- Do not park or leave your car unattended at any curbside. Parents wishing to pick up their children at the school entrance gates will need to park in a parking space.
- The children will be assembled along the blue fenced area according to grade and teacher. Students are supervised by a staff member.
- Students enter on the right side of the car ONLY.
- Watch for sudden starts or stops. Pass safely and SLOWLY.
- When exiting the campus, RIGHT TURN ONLY!
Afternoon Parent Pick-up Procedures
- Have a sign on your dashboard with your student name and teacher written in large, bold print.
- When you reach the parking spaces, please follow posted and verbal directions for picking up:
- If you have more than one student being picked up, it would help to designate one of the pick-up spots for all in your carpool. Hopefully this will alleviate some of the congestion and speed up the afternoon pick-up process.
- When exiting the campus, RIGHT TURN ONLY!
Things to Remember for Afternoon Pick-Up
- No parking allowed on 10th Street from Myrtle to Northview.
- You must use the cross walk to pick up your child.
- You may NEVER park your car curbside for any reason.
- Do not leave your vehicle in the pickup lanes.
- Hang up your cell phone while in the parking lot.
- If assistance is needed for a child to enter a vehicle please park your car in a designated parking spot.
- Kindergarten drop-off and pickup is in the back parking lot on the north side of campus. Enter off of 10th street. Gates will open at 7:00 for preschool drop-off. Staff will be present at 7:20am to allow students on campus. Gates will open for pick-up at 2:15pm.
- BE CAUTIOUS going through the gate and stay to the right as far as possible. Taking turns entering and exiting is preferred.
- There is NO PARKING in this lot. It is for drive-thru drop-off and pick up only. Please remain in your vehicle. Students must exit and enter the car without parent assistance. Students must enter and exit on the right side of the car by the red curb.
- For pickup, have a sign on your dashboard with your student name and teacher written in large, bold print.
- Parents who wish to walk-up to pick up their child must meet the child at the east entrance by the bus bay.
- Inform teachers of the pickup location for each day.
The Madison School District has aligned all adopted curricula to the Arizona College and Career Ready Standards. Specific State Standards are used by our teachers to plan daily lessons.
International Baccalaureate - Primary Years Programme (IBPYP)
The Primary Years Programme (PYP) is a curriculum framework for young learners aged 3–12 designed by the International Baccalaureate (IB). Founded on a philosophy recognizing a child’s natural curiosity, creativity, and ability to reflect, the PYP generates a stimulating, challenging learning environment in which to nurture those assets and foster a lifelong love of learning in every child. The PYP, like all International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes, is transdisciplinary, meaning students learn across subject areas while investigating big ideas.
In the PYP, students learn about significant concepts through units of inquiry. The six transdisciplinary themes that guide units of inquiry and compose a year of study are:
- Who we are
- Where we are in place and time
- How we express ourselves
- How the world works
- How we organize ourselves
- Sharing the planet
Units of inquiry interweave subject areas such as mathematics, language arts, science and social studies. This approach encourages students to make their own connections between what they learn in core subject areas and how it relates to the world around them.
The core of the reading/language arts program is Wonders 2023 by Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, which encompasses the five strands of the State Standards for reading. These include phonemic awareness, fluency, grammar, vocabulary and comprehension. Appropriate literature is used to enhance higher level thinking skills. In addition to the Wonders Core reading program and materials, there is a Resource Room on campus that has a wide variety of leveled texts for teachers to select specific reading texts to meet the individual skill needs of students.
The adopted IntoMath published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt resource is aligned to Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards. This resource has tools that ensure students are on the right track to meeting AZCCRS and mathematical practices.
Students will learn, practice, and apply Mathematics to become college and career ready. Students will be expected to use modeling and reasoning to justify their thinking and responses, which support the Standards for Mathematical Practices. The components in this resource help students to see mathematics as sensible, useful, and worthwhile, coupled with the belief in diligence and one’s own efficacy. Students will develop a conceptual understanding and learn procedural skills and develop fluency.
Inspire Science by McGraw-Hill is the adopted science program. It is a very hands-on science program with varied units of study. Students learn best by engaging in experiments. Teachers and students do science together and engage in enduring experiences that lead to a deeper understanding of the natural world.
Social Studies
The Social Studies program consists of supplemental materials which are used to teach the state standards. The resources provide preparation for life-long citizenship skills, enabling students to participate in a technological/global society. Students acquire skills to make well-reasoned decisions both individually and cooperatively. These skills will give students practice in acquiring, evaluating and using information to identify alternate solutions and their consequences.
Art is taught by a certified Art Teacher to students in grades K through 4. This means that students will have art class once every 5 days. Art lessons are taught in the art room and are based on a district scope and sequence that identify the skills taught to students at each grade level. Teachers incorporate art appreciation and techniques into their academic classes.
The goal of the Music program is to provide comprehensive music instruction based on the State Standards and taught by a certified music educator within the instructional day. Students in grades K through 4 receive music instruction once every 5 days for special area classes. The music program offers a diverse and balanced array of learning experiences that include creating, performing, listening to and analyzing music. Personal musicianship is developed through vocal, instrumental, and creative movement instruction. Current technologies are integrated to give students new and better perspectives in making music.
Physical Education is taught by a P.E. teacher in grades K-4 on a 4 day rotation. This means that students will have P.E. class once every four days. The focus of the program is to prepare and motivate all students to engage in activities which promote health and physical well-being. Students will receive a well-balanced program based on the State Standards that will develop a personal level of fitness, a broad spectrum of physical skills, and the knowledge necessary to use the skills for life-time active participation. The program concepts consist of the psychomotor strand which involves the development of gross motor skills and fine motor skills; the cognitive strand which involves the understanding and application of movement and its underlying principles; and the affective strand which involves desirable social standards, positive self-concept, and acquiring personal values.
Spanish is taught by a Spanish teacher and the students in grade K-4 will have this class once every 5 days. The goal of this class is to provide cultural awareness and a basic foundation for language spoken in Spanish. This class will also give students exposure to a variety of Spanish Speaking Countries as we look to incorporate the 5C’s (Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons and Communities) from the World Readiness Standards for learning languages from ACTFL (the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages).
Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS)
MTSS is a whole-school approach that organizes people, programs, and practices into one integrated support system that starts at tier 1 (instruction for all). The philosophy of MTSS is to organize and leverage the systems that are already in place at Simis to ensure the holistic growth of all learners. We apply evidence-based curriculum, universal assessments and screeners, interventions, and progress monitor to analyze and organize all available resources within our school to meet all students' academic, behavioral, and social needs.
Special Education: Child Find Notice
It is the Madison School District’s responsibility to inform the general public and all parents within our boundaries of our responsibility to make available special education services for students with disabilities and provide information on how to access those services.
The Madison School District is responsible for identifying, locating, and evaluating all children with disabilities including children aged 3 through 21 and for referring children from birth through 21 years of age to Arizona Early Intervention Program (AzEIP) for evaluation and appropriate services. We are also responsible for providing a free and appropriate public education (FAPE), which includes special education and related services to children with disabilities at public expense, under public supervision and direction without charge to the parents.
For all new students to the district, the classroom teacher will complete screening activities within 45 days of enrollment. The teacher will look at the child’s ability in the areas of academics, vision, hearing, communication, social/emotional, and motor skills. If any concerns are noted, the child may be referred for additional help. Children birth through 2 years of age who are receiving early intervention services and will be participating in preschool programs for children with disabilities will be assured of a smooth transition into that program.
Special education is available for students found to be eligible for and in need of special education services. In order to qualify for special education, a student must be identified by a multidisciplinary evaluation team as having one of the following disabilities: autism, emotional disability, hearing impairment, other health impairments, specific learning disability, mild, moderate 35 or severe mental retardation, multiple disabilities, multiple disabilities with severe sensory impairment, orthopedic impairment, preschool moderate delay, preschool severe delay, preschool speech/language delay, speech/language impairment, traumatic brain injury, or visual impairment. In addition, the evaluation team must determine that the child is in need of special education.
Madison School District provides special education services according to an individualized education program (IEP) which is mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Madison Special Education provides a continuum of services to students, along with a variety of service delivery options, across the district.
If you have concerns about your child, please contact your child’s teacher
Gifted Services
A gifted cluster model serves students in grades K-4. In this model, identified students are clustered to focus on enrichment and/or acceleration, using compacting and differentiation as appropriate. This program focuses on logic, creativity, nonverbal reasoning, and critical thinking in all areas. To qualify for the gifted services, students must score in the 97% on the Naglieri Nonverbal Abilities (NNAT) test, the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) or other approved state tests. The NNAT is based on spatial non-verbal strengths. Students will also be identified for assessment using parent and teacher recommendations as well as student nominations. A child may be tested for qualification once a school year.